Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Autumn Days

Having returned from another holiday, getting up this morning to walk the dogs was a very depressing experience. I get up at 0630 on a work day & roll straight out the front door with the dogs. This morning, it was only just light. Having checked sunrise times, it seems that, from Monday, it'll be dark at that time in the morning until sometime in March.
I find Glasgow in winter very difficult with the sheer lack of daylight (if it's overcast, it barely gets light for about 2 months), so the obvious shortening of the days tends to lead me to feel quite melancholy.
To combat this, I'm starting to plan my winter cycling. My Fujin will be put away until spring before too long, so I've booked my Greenspeed X5 recumbent trike in for a service. My trike is incredibly heavy, but a solid workhorse, that's great fun to ride. The additional climbing in my commute, now that I've moved should be amusing on a bike that weighs about 16.5kgs. I also have 3 panniers that I carry. This is great for having space to move stuff, but I just tend to fill the available space, so end up with around 25kgs of bike & baggage, compared to 10-12kg on my summer bike, which makes quite a difference when the road heads upwards! Saying that, as currently set up, it has a bottom gear of 15.4", so there's probably not an awful lot that I couldn't climb, I just might not be particularly fast.
I'm going to try to re-organise the gearing on the trike at its service & get some shiny new bits put on it & try not to look too ridiculous on my first ride hitting the hill on the way home!

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